We're proud to announce our accreditation with The Association of Serviced Apartments
Wednesday March 16, 2016 by Alex Wood

We said: "Give us some credit!" So they did!
ASAP is the acronym for the serviced apartment industry’s leading trade association, the Association of Serviced Apartment Providers..
Originally established in 2002 to represent the views of a small number of UK based operators, they’ve grown rapidly and currently represent 131 members who have over 100,000 apartments in 9 countries, a total which includes 14 agents and 30 sponsor partners.
ASAP Quality Accreditation therefore aims to ensure that members who have been accredited are compliant with core legal, and health & safety practices as well as providing the industry with a means of measuring and comparing the quality of Serviced Apartments.
Every member of ASAP displaying their Marque will have participated in the Quality Accreditation Programme and will have successfully achieved accreditation.
The Association of Serviced Apartment Providers unveiled a new logo for this highly successful Quality Assessment (QA) programme at their annual conference in 2014. And it was while speaking at this conference that ASAP managing director James Foice indicated that the new logo was a milestone for the QA project.
“We’ve assessed 90% of our members during the last 12 months and are now planning to roll out the programme abroad, including the USA and Europe. The new logo will be a springboard for ASAP to actively promote our members and the valued proposition they bring to the market, and we are very excited by the opportunity to establish a standard accreditation model throughout the industry, both in the UK and potentially around the world.”
Following their recent assessment as a serviced apartment operator, Prestige Apartments is proud to be recognized by the scheme as having met ASAP’s high standards for core compliance and quality requirements.
Read more about ASAP's Quality Assessment program here.
Individually accredited Prestige Apartments:
Banyan Wharf - Flat 3 & Flat 21
Monument Apartments - Flat 3
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@alexwpas or +alexwood
If you're looking for a serviced apartment please get in touch with the sales team who will be happy to discuss how they can help you.
Tel: 020 7704 6514 or email: sales@prestigeapartments.co.uk
Posted by Alex Wood